
FIN CH Beryllos Easter Witch

s. 26.04.2000

kasv. & om. Kikka Korjula

Fin CH Foxllyn Legacy for BeryllosAm CH Foxway Legacy KeeperAm CH Foxway Corg’rd Crystal Legacy
Am CH Foxway a Rumor of Grace
Hickory Top Wow Fanfair SohoAm CH Curig Beau Jangles
Coltsfoot ad Astra
Fin CH Beryllos June LilyFin CH Annline’s Taste of WishFin CH Shallianne Anticipation
Int &Fin&S CH Annline’s Nice and Wish
Nebbe’s RebekkaFin& Est CH Kilvewood October Mist
Imago’s Taste of Honey